Hands-on Experience

Arkansas Brewers Guild Logo and photo of sweating silver beer kegs. 

Students must complete three credit hours of internship, special problems or research to meet the requirements of the Certificate of Proficiency in Brewing Science Program. Whether choosing an internship or a special problem, working with an industry partner to complete these three credit hours of hands-on experience is encouraged.

Brewery Partners

We've partnered with breweries in Northwest Arkansas and beyond to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the industry.

Find an Internship


Students can participate in an approved three credit hour internship with a brewing industry partner. The internship should involve approximately 120-130 hours of work with the industry partner. The internship work can be completed in one semester or over multiple semester with enrollment during the final semester. The internship should provide the student with practical hands-on learning experiences of all aspects of the brewing industry.

Internship Request Form

Research or Special Problems

Students could complete three credit hours working on a practical research problem under the supervision of a faculty member in FDSC, BISC, CHEM, BENG or CHEG. The topic of this work should be approved for relevance to the certificate before the work begins and reviewed if it changes substantially during the course of the work. Work that involves industry partners is particularly encouraged.

Special Projects Approval Form